Houses need light and air too! Often times when selling, Sellers forget two of the basic things that, left unattended, can turn potential Buyers off. Two GREAT hints: 1. Let fresh air in. Get rid of any scent that might be unfamiliar or unpleasant. People are most often offended by odors from tobacco, pets, cooking, and musty or sour laundry. Fresh flowers or oil scenters can be used to your advantage. Other smells that attract positive attention include The Pie and Coffee Realtor of Seattle, Mary Schile's, freshed baked pies and quiches! 2. Let the light in. Raise the shades. Open the blinds. Pull back the curtains. Pur brighter bulbs in all the lamps (but not bright enough to cause a glare). Bright, open rooms feel larger and more inviting. Dark rooms feel small and gloomy.